Chapter One
Me as a kid in Oklahoma
Accident with a horse
Cowboys Boots
How to chew tobacco
How to cook rice
About indians
A roof and four walls
Rounding up a horse for doc
Hired help
Cows and other pets
What about school?
Chapter Two
Haeding Texas and old Mexico way
Moving on
My first job
About stampedes
Greener grass
Old Mexico bound
Running the ranch
Dust on the pampas
Honest about money
More jaguars, with my father
Chapter Three
How we got mixed up in a revolution
Defending ourselves
Holing up
Beginning life on the run
Frigoles con maggots
Close call
Commandeering a train
Back in the saddle again
Return to San Padro
Giving ourselves up
Gold for safekeeping
Locked up
Marines to the rescue
Looking back
Going back
Chapter Four
Out of the Stable and into the Saddle
Miles and Johnson
Jackels for the lumber company
Scouting for the lumber company
Clay and Shaw
Cattle, bandits, and cheese
Making cheese and butter
Driving cattle
Food and drink
Steers among the stela
Fresh beef in my honor
Chapter Five
Home on the Guatemalan Range
Fattening cattle
How we got Santa Rosa
Thorns and ticks
Planting grass and fences
Dad says yes, Isay no
Wild cattle and horses
Chasing a tapir
German boy ropes a wild calf
The German and his Indian girl
Panajachel, Lake Atitlan
Fording a stream
Chapter Six
The big Depression
End of the playhouse
Santa Rita
Breending cattle
Tricks of the trade
Lead steers
El capitan
Wild gators and hogs
Chapter Seven
Running the line in Peten
First trip
Getting there
First job for Shell
Tax man
Witch man
Last run for Shell
Poisonous frogs
Scenery in the lower Peten
Chiclet again
Dog on the frointer
Little snake, big bite
The mule
Jaguars in Peten
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